State of Oregon

Department of Environmental Quality  Memorandum


Date:  February 4, 2008


To:    Environmental Quality Commission


From:    Dick Pedersen, Acting Director


Subject:  Agenda Item X, Rule Adoption: Disclosure of the Relationship between Proposed Rules and Federal Requirements. February 21, 2008 EQC Meeting


Why this is Important


The proposed amendments to rules within Division 11 are needed to align those rules with statutory changes made by Senate Bill 107 during the 2007 legislative session.


Department Recommendation / EQC Motion

The Department recommends that the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) adopt the proposed amendments to OAR 340-011-0010 and -0029 (as presented in Attachment A) to ensure the Department accurately implements the language and intention of Senate Bill 107.


Background and Need for Rulemaking


The pertinent rules in Division 11 provide direction to the Department of Environmental Quality’s (Department’s) rulemaking process. The result of this rulemaking will modify a portion of the Department’s own rulemaking procedures.


The changes to Division 11 rules were requested by Associated Oregon Industries (and crafted in conjunction with the Department) as part of a compromise package for Senate Bill 107. At the time, the Air Quality program was promoting fee increases to its Title V permit program (Title V of the federal Clean Air Act requires that each major industrial source of air pollution obtain and comply with an operating permit).


These rule revisions modify the Department’s procedure for disclosing the relationship between proposed rulemakings and federal requirements. The changes are intended to both streamline the Department’s disclosure process and let the regulated community know what alternatives were considered by the Department when proposing a rule that is different from or in addition to federal requirements.


This rulemaking also affords certain parties the opportunity of a hearing before the EQC when revisions are made to rules related to the Department’s Title V permit program.


This rulemaking is needed to align the rules within Division 11 with Senate Bill 107. It is important that these rule revisions are completed before the Department revises the Title V rules scheduled for mid-2008.

Effect of Rule


This rulemaking will primarily affect the Department’s rulemaking procedure. The proposed rule revisions are procedural only and will not affect Oregon’s environmental quality.


Disclosure procedure:

Every rulemaking effort includes disclosing the relationship between the proposed rule and any applicable federal requirements. The intent of this disclosure is to identify and justify when a proposed rule might be more “stringent” than federal regulations.


To date, the Department has accomplished this disclosure during rulemaking by completing a lengthy form that consists of several questions.


The proposed revisions to OAR 340-011-0029(1)(a) (see Attachment A, page 2) remove Table 1 (“the disclosure form”) from the rule and indicates the content of the new disclosure statement. The new disclosure statement explains whether the proposed rule’s intended action imposes requirements different from, or in addition to, applicable federal requirements. Essentially, the disclosure form has been streamlined from consisting of nearly a dozen questions to only the following questions:

1) If the intended action impose actions different from or in addition to federal requirements;

2) If yes, the reason(s) why the actions are different from or in addition to federal requirements; and

3) Identification of any alternatives considered and the reasons those alternatives were not pursued.


The Department anticipates the new disclosure form and process will provide a better understanding of the relationship with federal requirements.


Opportunity for hearing before the EQC:

The proposed revisions to OAR 340-011-0029(3) (see Attachment A, page 3) add the criteria for granting a hearing before the EQC for those anticipating being harmed by rule changes to the Title V permit program.


Such a hearing will be granted if the following criteria are met:

a) the proposed rulemaking affects a source subject to Title V permits;

b) a request for hearing is received by the Department within 14 days of public notice, and from 10 persons or an association with at least 10 members;

c) the request describes how the persons are directly harmed by the proposed rulemaking.


This opportunity for a hearing before the EQC is not available if the rulemaking notice already has a public hearing scheduled before the EQC.


Noticing procedure:

Revisions to OAR 340-011-0010 (see Attachment A, page 1) will modify the Department’s procedure for noticing the public. These minor revisions are necessary to accommodate additional noticing requirements for those public hearings granted before the EQC for those indicating they are being harmed by proposed rules to the Title V permit program.


Senate Bill 107 only requires these revisions for rulemakings affecting the Department’s Title V program. The Department has chosen to incorporate the noticing and disclosure requirements for all agency rulemakings to avoid any confusion within the rulemaking process and to promote full public disclosure for all rulemakings


Commission Authority


The Commission has authority to take this action under Oregon Revised Statutes 468.020 and 468A.025.

Stakeholder Involvement


The Department worked closely with stakeholders (primarily Associated Oregon Industries) during the legislative session in crafting the applicable portions of Senate Bill 107 that are reflected in these rule revisions. Prior to going out for public comment, the draft rules and a request for feedback were submitted to both Associated Oregon Industries and the Northwest Environmental Defense Center. Neither office commented on those draft rules.


The Department did not solicit input from an Advisory Committee since this rulemaking is in response to legislative action and did not address any policy issues.


Public Comment


A public comment period was open from September 14, 2007 through October 26, 2007. Evening public hearings were held in Bend, Eugene and Portland in mid-October. One written public comment was received. Attachment B provides a summary of that comment.


Key Issues

A potential concern is whether a party who anticipates being harmed by revisions to Title V rules is eligible to request a hearing before the EQC. .


This concern has been voiced both internally and by the public. The rule requires those requesting a hearing to describe how they are being “directly harmed” by the proposed rule. It would be reasonable for a facility to describe how a rule will impact its operating costs, but it will be more difficult for the public to define that direct harm.


It is anticipated that any reasonable request for a hearing from this rule would be considered by EQC. It is also expected that anytime the Department is in rulemaking related to the Title V program, a public hearing will be scheduled before the EQC so that all parties can discuss their concerns.


Next Steps

If the EQC adopts the proposed rules, the Department will submit the rules to the Secretary of State to become effective before the end of February 2008.

Current rule writers will be informed of the necessary changes in both rulemaking documents and procedures, including a review of upcoming Title V rulemaking efforts. The changes in rulemaking procedures will be reflected in the Department’s rulemaking instructions. No additional work will be needed to implement these changes.



A.  Proposed Rule Revisions (redlined version)

B.  Summary of Public Comments and Agency Responses

C.  Presiding Officer’s Report on Public Hearings

D.  Relationship to Federal Requirements document

E.  Statement of Need and Fiscal and Economic Impact

F.  Land Use Evaluation Statement



Available Upon Request

1.  New Relationship to Federal Requirements form?

2.  Proposed Rulemaking Announcement

3.  Legal Notice of Hearing

4.  Written Comment Received




   Section:  ____________________________


   Division:  ____________________________


       Report Prepared By:  [author]


       Phone: [author’s phone]

It's unclear to me whether this is a new or different hearing opportunity

There's something wrong here - should it say "the intended rule" impose "requirements"? It's unclear as-is.

Again, is this a new opportunity, or an existing opportunity that we're adding criteria for?