Sent:  Thursday, February 14, 2008 1:02 PM

To:  'Dona Hippert'

Subject:  DEQ rulemaking - SB 107 rule at EQC

Re: DEQ Rulemaking - Disclosure of the Relationship between Proposed Rules and Federal Requirements



Ms Hippert,


You are receiving this email because you previously commented on the above rulemaking when that rule was out for public comment in October 2007.

This email is to inform you that the final proposed rule amendments are scheduled to be heard by the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) on February 21, 2008.


Attached are the documents contained in the rulemaking package that were submitted to the EQC. Also attached is information regarding the location of the EQC meeting and the agenda indicating when on the EQC agenda this rulemaking is scheduled to be heard.



Any questions please feel free to contact me at 503 229-6412.



Best regards,


Larry McAllister

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality



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