Oregon Records Management Solution
WQ DA remarks at concurrence before EQC
''Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 2:15:15 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Clarifying and Updating References in State Revolving Fund Rules (OAR 340-054). Adm. Order No.: DEQ 2-2008 Filed with Sec. of State: 2-27-2008 Certified to be Effective: 2-27-08 Notice Publication Date: 10-1-2007 Rules Amended: 340-054-0035, 340-054-0060 Subject: The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program has updated the environmental review process for projects seeking CWSRF funding. That process is outlined in the Department’s CWSRF Procedures Manual (Manual). The 2003 Manual is being updated to replace the Alternative State Environmental Review Process (Alternative SERP) with a new, more comprehensive State Environmental Review Process (SERP), as required by EPAto continue annual federal grants in support of the CWSRF loan program. Two administrative rules, OAR 340-054-0035 and -0060, currently cross-reference the Manual. DEQ has amended those two rules to delete outdated references to the 2003 Manual and remove the term “alternative” from rule. Finally, this rulemaking has deleted one sentence of text in OAR 340-054-0035(1)(c) that was inconsistent with the revised SERP. No other changes were proposed in this rulemaking. The rule amendments confirm and clarify DEQ’s authority to administer the CWSRF program consistent with the updated, Procedures Manual and the updated environmental review process therein, and consequently, with federal requirements for state environmental review processes.