EQC Meeting Agenda
Thursday, February 21 and Friday, February 22, 2008
DEQ Headquarters, Room EQC-A
811 SW 6th
Portland, Oregon
Thursday, February 21--Regular Meeting
Time | Item | Topic | Presenter/Status | Background |
8:30 15 min | A | Preliminary Commission Business: Adoption of Minutes of the December 13 - 14, 2007 Meeting | Routine | |
8:45 30 min | B | Informational Item: Update on the Status of the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (UMCDF) | Joni Hammond and Rich Duval
| Routine |
9:15 30 min | C | Informational Item: Director’s Dialogue | Dick Pedersen | Klamath settlement agreement (?), benzene strategies, ESCO and steel mills (Andy) |
9:45 15 min | D | Action item: Director’s Transactions for Commission Review | Kerri Nelson and Judy Hatton | Oregon Accounting Policy and DEQ policy require that the EQC review and approve certain financial transactions of the DEQ Director annually. |
10:00 15 min | E | Action Item: Align Tank Rules with Federal Regulations, Improve Existing Rules | Wendy Wiles and Mitch Scheel | Adopt rule |
10:15 15 min | Break | |||
10:30 45 min | F | Informational Item: Recycled water re-use rules | Neil Mullane and Judy Johndohl | Informational item in preparation for June rulemaking. |
11:15 30 min | G | Public Forum | ||
11:45 75 min | Working Lunch – Executive Session | |||
1:00 30 min | H | Action Item: Clean water state revolving fund program rules | Neil Mullane and Larry McAllister | Adopt rule |
1:30 30 min | I | Action Item: Division 11 “Disclosure of rule relationship to federal requirements” rule | Larry McAllister and AQ manager TBD | Adopt rule |
2:00 30 min | J | Informational Item: Update on EQC’s own Performance Measures | Wendy S or Joanie S-S and Karen Whisler | In response to 2005 Legislative directive. First report due Sept. 2008. EQC’s performance measure = percent of total best practices met by Commission. |
2:00 120 min | K | New director selection | Commissioners Blosser and Williamson, Twyla Lawson, DAS, Kerri Nelson | |
4:00 | End of First Day |
Friday, February 22--Regular Meeting
Time | Item | Topic | Presenter/Status | Background |
8:30 30 min | L | Action Item: Amend Plant Site Emission Applicability Rule | Andy Ginsburg and Gregg Dahmen | Adopt rule |
9:00 30 min | M | Informational Item: Field burning | Andy Ginsburg | DEQ promised to report back to Commission after discussion in December. |
9:30 60 min | N | Informational Item: Preliminary 2009 Legislative Agenda | Greg Aldrich and Program Administrators
| Update for the EQCabout preliminary legislative concepts and policy packages. |
10:30 15 min | O | Informational Item: Commissioner Reports | Commission members | |
| Adjourn |