July 10, 2008


Kristin Keith

Budget and Management Division

Department of Administrative Services

155 Cottage St NE, U10

Salem, OR 97301-3965



Re:  Submittal of Forms 107BF21 and 107BF22 for proposed new General ACDP fees


Dear Ms. Keith:


Enclosed please find Forms 107BF21 and 107BF22 and supporting documentation for a proposal to add two new lower-cost General Air Contaminant Discharge Permit categories for sources with limited requirements and where existing Department resources can be leveraged to reduce the cost needed to implement new federal standards. The new permits would minimize the fiscal impact on affected sources, many of which are small businesses, and provide the Department revenue to implement the new federal standards.


If you have questions, please contact Jerry Ebersole at 503-229-6974 or EBERSOLE.Gerald@deq.state.or.us. When returning the signed and completed Part I form, please return it to Jerry Ebersole at 811 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR 97204.


Thank you for your cooperation.






Joni Hammond

Acting Deputy Director




cc:  Andree Pollock, MSD-Budget Office, DEQ

 Greg Aldrich, Government Relations Manager, DEQ

 Uri Papish, Program Operations Section Manager, Air Quality Division, DEQ

 Jerry Ebersole, Air Quality Division, DEQ

 Shelley Matthews, Division Rules Coordinator, Air Quality Division, DEQ

 Ken Rocco, Legislative Fiscal Office