Oregon Records Management Solution

proposed rules from EQC packageD-AttA2-OARPropRuleRev


''Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 12:26:35 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Portland-Vancouver and Salem Ozone Maintenance Plan and Supporting Rule Revisions. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 3-2007 Filed with Sec. of State: 4-12-2007 Certified to be Effective: 4-12-07 Notice Publication Date: 5-1-06 Rules Amended: 340-200-0025, 340-200-0040, 340-202-0090, 340-204-0010, 340-204-0030, 340-204-0040, 340-224-0050, 340-224-0060, 340-225-0090, 340-232-0010, 340-232-0020, 340-242-0010, 340-242-0020, 340-242-0030, 340-242-0040, 340-242-0050, 340-242-0070, 340-242-0080, 340-242-0090, 340-242-0110, 340-242-0120, 340-242-0160, 340-242-0180, 340-242-0190, 340-242-0200, 340-242-0210, 340-242-0220, 340-242-0240, 340-242-0260, 340- 242-0270, 340-242-0280, 340-242-0290, 340-242-0400, 340-242-0410, 340-242-0420, 340-242-0430, 340-242-0440 Rules Repealed: 340-242-0100, 340-242-0130 Subject: The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) updated the clean air plan for maintaining compliance with the federal 8-hour ozone ambient air quality standard in the Portland area, and developed a maintenance plan for the Salem area, as required by the federal Clean Air Act. This rulemaking also updated DEQ’s rules to reflect the federal ozone ambient air quality standard, designated Salem as an ozone “maintenance” area under state rules, modified Salem’s new source review requirements for new and expanding major industry, modified Portland-area rules regarding Employee Commute Options, updated rules for the Industrial Emission Management program in Portland, and made housekeeping changes to clarify the spelling of the Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study air quality area. Table 1 associated with OAR 340-242-0130 was repealed with this rulemaking.