Oregon Records Management Solution

CAMR- EQC Staff Report


''Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 4:12:50 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Adoption of Utility Mercury Rule and Other Federal Air Quality Regulations. Adm. Order No.: DEQ 13-2006 Filed with Sec. of State: 12-22-2006 Certified to be Effective: 12-22-06 Notice Publication Date: 6-1-06 Rules Adopted: 340-228-0600, 340-228-0602, 340-228-0603, 340-228-0604, 340-228-0605, 340-228-0606, 340-228-0608, 340-228-0610, 340-228-0612, 340-228-0614, 340-228-0616, 340-228-0618, 340-228-0620, 340-228-0622, 340-228-0624, 340-228-0626, 340-228-0628, 340-228-0630, 340-228-0632, 340-228-0634, 340-228-0636, 340-228-0638, 340-228-0640, 340-228-0642, 340-228-0644, 340-228-0646, 340-228-0648, 340-228-0650, 340-228-0652, 340-228-0654, 340-228-0656, 340-228-0658, 340-228-0660, 340-228-0662, 340-228-0664, 340-228-0666, 340-228-0668, 340-228-0670, 340-228-0671, 340-228-0672, 340-228-0673, 340-228-0674, 340-228-0676, 340-228-0678 Rules Amended: 340-228-0300, 340-238-0040, 340-238-0060, 340-244-0030, 340-244-0040 Subject: These rules contain standards that implement the new federal Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR). In addition, these rules adopt by reference the federal New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units, incorporate federal NSPS and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) amendments through July 1, 2006, remove methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) from the list of HAPs, and change the Title V operating permit deferrals for most non-major NESHAP sources to permanent Title V exemptions.