Oregon Records Management Solution

Ord 1470


Proclaiming Annexation into the City of Canby, Oregon 22.54 Acres Including 20.26 Acres of Real Property Described as Tax Lots 1500 and 1600 of the SE ¼ of Sec. 4, T.4S., R.1E., W.M. (Tax Map 41E04CA); and 1401 and 1500 of the SE ¼ of Sec. 4, T.4S., R.1E., W.M. (Tax Map 41E04C); and 1400, 1500 and 1600 of the SE ¼ of Sec. 4. T.4S., R.1E., W.M (Tax Map 41E04D); and Approx. 1.17 Acres of Adjacent S. Fir Street Right-of-Way and Approx. 1.11 Acres of Adjacent S Ivy Street Right-of-Way and Amending the Existing County Zoning From Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to City Low Density Residential (R-1) For Tax Lot 1500 of Tax Map 41E04C; to City Medium Density Residential (R 1.5) For Tax Lot 1401 of Tax Map 41E04C and Tax Lot 1500 and 1600 of Tax Map 41E04CA and Tax Lot 1600 of Tax Map 41E04D; and to City Residential Commercial (C-R) For Tax Lot 1400 and 1500 of Tax Map 41E04D; and Setting the Boundaries of the Property to be Included Within the Canby City Limits (Stafford Development Co.)